Products 1-7 of 7
Milkweed, Monarchs and More milkweed books, monarch books, monarch butterfly books, milkweed plant information, monarch butterfly information, butterfly classroom book
Price: $18.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 138494 -

    A diverse natural community thrives in the milkweed growing along our highways and woodland edges; in our open fields, fragmented prairies and vacant lots; and in our lovingly tended gardens. Several kinds of insects depend on milkweed as a food source. The best known of these are the monarch butterflies whose late summer generation graduates from milkweed nurseries all over North America to join in an impressive migration. Some fly as far as 4800 kilometers (3000 miles) from the northern...

    Monarch Watch Bumperstickers monarch and milkweed stickers, milkweed stickers, save the monarch bumper sticker, plant milkweed bumper sticker, no milkweed no monarchs
    Price: $12.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: 190002 -

      Our Bumper sticker Pack includes a total of 20 bumper stickers (5 each of 4 designs). Each bumper sticker (approximately 3" x 10") features our "Plant Milkweed" conservation message. These bumper stickers are a great way to promote monarch conservation awareness and make wonderful giveaways for students or anyone interested in monarch butterflies.

      Bring Back The Monarchs T-shirt Adult bring back the monarchs t-shirt, monarch butterfly t-shirt, restore habitat t-shirt, plant milkweed t-shirt
      Price: $19.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Item #: 138530 -

        Show your support of monarch conservation with this t-shirt featuring a beautiful "Bring Back the Monarchs" graphic on the back and the message "Restore Habitats, Plant Milkweed" on the front left chest. Gildan Ultra 100% pre-shrunk heavyweight cotton t-shirt in "serene green" Graphics created by artist and monarch enthusiast Ron Brancato

        front cover of 100 plants to feed the Monarch book with picture of monarch, plants and flowers
        Price: $18.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Item #: MW104 -

          Create a Healthy Habitat to Sustain North America's Most Beloved ButterflyThe plight of the monarch butterfly has captured public attention and sparked widespread interest in helping to save their dwindling populations. In this in-depth portrait of the monarch butterfly—covering its life cycle, its remarkable relationship with milkweed, its extraordinary migration, and the threats it now faces due to habitat loss and climate change—detailed instructions on how to design and create...

          The Monarch
          Price: $22.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Item #: 190006 -

            Not long ago, monarchs numbered in the billions, but in the last 20 years their population has dropped by 90%, due to habitat loss from pesticides, GMO farming practices, development and other human activity. An estimated one million acres of habitat are lost each year.But today, an army of citizen-scientists, students and gardeners is engaged in restoring this beloved pollinator’s habitat – the wildflowers and milkweed and feeding corridors – so that one of nature’s most beautiful creatures...

            Monarch Buddies
            Price: $14.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Item #: 190007 -

              MONARCH BUDDIES Munch-A-Bunch of Milkweed is a dynamic educational tool and children’s story that delivers full color photos, scientific facts and the complete monarch life cycle. Milkweed is NOT just another weed - it is the host plant for the “munching machine” monarch caterpillars! The story celebrates the caterpillar antics of “buddies” Max and Maisy, inspired by their mentor, Montgomery, as they share friendship and life cycle change. Soon they will have WINGS ... Beautiful WINGS! They...

              Monarch Rearing Kit live caterpillars, live butterfly larva larvae, monarch butterfly rearing kit, raise butterflies, butterflies from caterpillars, caterpillars for classroom, caterpillars for sale, larvae for sale
              Price: $18.00-$72.00
              Availability: Pre-Order
              Item #: 113232 -

                Each Monarch Rearing Kit contains fourteen to sixteen 3- to 5-day-old monarch larvae (caterpillars) and rearing instructions. The larvae arrive in small cups with milkweed diet for shipping and must be transferred to milkweed plants or leaves to complete their development. Please make sure you have fresh milkweed available before your caterpillars arrive. Each caterpillar generally needs 18 inches of milkweed to pupate. Pupation will occur in about 10 days and adults will emerge 10-14 days...