Monarch Come Play with Me was written and designed for children between the ages of 3 and 9. The text, written for early second grade readers, revolves around the similarities and differences between the development of monarchs and the development of children.
An informational text at the end of the book introduces readers to the process of scientific discovery through the story of Dr. Fred and Norah Urquhart's search - with the help of many citizen scientists - for the eastern monarchs' overwintering home. This text, written at a fourth grade reading level, is intended expose readers to how science is used to answer questions.
Ba Rea's illustrations feature detailed images of monarch eggs, caterpillars, chrysalides and butterflies that will allow curious readers to discover for themselves fascinating details of the lives of monarchs beyond those directly addressed in the text.
A Parent/Teacher Guide to accompany the book is provided here: Monarch Come Play with Me Parent/Teacher Guide (PDF file)
| 0-965-7472-5-5
| Ba Rea
Pages: | 32